I hit two obligatory touristy spots this weekend. The first, the Otavalo Market, is an open-air market hosted every Saturday morning by indigenous capitalist types. The trip was about 2 hours from Quito by bus, and I arrived at the very tail end of the animal-off, where the women of Otavalo trade live animals in the early morning. For the rest of the day, tourists flock to tents, stands, etc. to haggle over what become increasingly similar wares that are ¨hand crafted¨ by the sellers. After seeing nearly identical stone masks and giant spoons in Otavalo on Saturday and in Quito yesterday I am a little skeptical. But yes, I caved and bought some stuff. It definitely felt like I was at the mall, though, which is the absolute last place I want to be on a Saturday.
The climb took about 3 hours, and when I got the top (14,400 ft) I wish I had brought gloves. (14,400 ft). But there were great views and it was a great way to begin to acclimatize myself for bigger climbs.
The feeling of reaching the summit didn´t come close to the fun of going down, though. I got to break in my trail running shoes and act like a 5-year-old at the same time. Although you get to watch my hand for about 8 straight seconds, I think I captured the moment pretty well:
I´m back to class this week, then off to what looks like another climbing trip this weekend...
That video was quite entertaining.
oh wow, you're way up there aren't you. As if the altitude wasn't high enough, you're still climbing. It looks like so much fun though!
is your blog getting spammed?? get your T-shirts here!..anywho, I believe after running in the mountains for a month, you will become the ultimate marathon runner..also, a note on gringohunting, I think the hunted should become the hunter...
- Jesus
Should have chosen the bumper cars, you hippie.
Loving your blog already! The climb to the summit is exactly what Mindy and I would have chosen to do; per your buddy "Coleman" I guess we're hippies too. Thanks for capturing your bit of trail running; the video was very entertaining and I enjoyed your continuous laughing as you made your way down.
Be safe in your adventures,
PS - Looks like your wearing the Vasque Blur's; is that correct? How are you liking them?
Carey - yup they´re Vasque Blurs...working out great so far although i´m working through some blisters on my big toes from some runs in the mornings. They were great for that climb in particular but are a little rough on asphalt. I´m sure they´ll be well broken in soon though. Not that I have a choice!
Jeebus - yea, I think that was spam in Italian. Mmm Italian spam.
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